Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Me and Her, A Memoir of Madness by Karen Tyrrell

My 5*****Star Review of:  Me & Her: A Memoir of Madness by Australian author, Karen Tyrrell


Once I started reading Karen Tyrrell's story I couldn't put it down. What a brave woman to write a memoir of her mental illness and forced hospitalisation. That takes courage. From what I gather, people experiencing mania are enjoying it and don't think they need help. This memoir gives an insight into the mind of the author, while she's experiencing mania and how she felt about her husband's intervention. Not only will this book help people with bipolar, it will also help their family, friends and colleagues. Though Karen was ill in most of the story, her husband and kids suffered too. Maybe even as much as she did as it went on for a few years. My heart went out to her husband, who was battling a long-term illness of his own as well as caring for his family. What a wonderful man. I hope this book will help to stop discrimination against people with a mental illness. This story story shows they can be productive and determined people as well as being artistic.

Though the story was sad, I laughed a lot while reading it. Karen Tyrrell is a funny lady. I don't know if she was trying to be funny, but some of her thoughts had me in stiches, not to mention her antics and sneaky ways of finding out things. She'd make a great detective. Though she wrote her notes while ill, she knew she wanted to be a writer. The real Karen was in there for the ride too and she wasn't letting anyone stop her from writing. After reading this book, anyone with a loved one suffering from mania would better understand that not all of the things that the patient is doing is part of the illness. The healthy person is still there with goals that are attainable. I love the way she worked out why this happened to her and her determination to publish her memoir. She wrote about her mania, or hyper-mania, but she didn't mention having a deep depression or suicidal thoughts like I've heard can happen with bipolar, though she did suffer from insomnia, anxiety and stress, and did have Post Natal depression years before. Maybe her husband got her the medical help she needed before a deep depression set in.

There's so much information in this book for anyone suffering bipolar disorder. And their families will have a guide of what to do, which is great because it would be hard getting someone suffering from mania to willingly go to a mental health hospital. Karen Tyrell is a genius and I'm sure her story will save many lives. I'd give this book ten stars if I could, but I'm only allowed five. Keep writing, Karen Tyrrell!

To purchase this amazing book on Amazon go: Here

To go to Karen Tyrrell's website go: Here


  1. Thanks so much Trish for this fabulous review of ME & HER: a Memoir Of Madness. I loved your insightful comments about mental illness and your understanding out the VIP issues involved.
    Karen :)

  2. You're welcome, Karen. With your memoir, you'll help so many people suffering from bipolar disorder, and their families. It will also help folks to understand the illness and that sufferers are normal people who just have to take time out because of unbearable stress, and sometimes given the wrong medication that can also trigger it off.

    Good luck with all your future books, Karen.

    1. Patricia, I sincerely believe that your review and comments above gave a fair and reasonable coverage and representation in an informative and dignified manner. Your review expressed it nicely and in a balanced way from both sides, the person dealing directly with the mental illness and their family and loved ones who are dealing with the ripple effect on their lives. I believe that Karen Tyrrell is a fortunate and talented author/writer to have a friend and colleague like you to offer your valuable review and comments on mental illness, which is not an easy subject to discuss at the best of time. Thank you kindly, Patricia and Karen :)

  3. Thank you for visiting my blog and reading my review, Art. And thank you for the kind words. I met Karen on the Internet quite a few years ago, before her book was published. Like me, she was looking for a publisher. Though I knew what her book was about, I had never read any of it and I told her as soon as it was published, I would buy and read it. It was a brilliant read and I finished it in a couple of days. I don't know you, Art, but have a feeling you've been a great help to Karen. I'll keep promoting Karen's book because I believe it will help so many people and communities.

    Thanks again, Art Antonious.

  4. Thanks Trish and Art,
    for your awesome support of my recovery memoir and spreading the positive news of HOPE :)
